Tah dah! Blog of the Year Award

Today I’m surprised and once again grateful…..

Rarasaur http://wp.me/p2E0Bd-Rt has awarded me Blog of the Year Award.  Thanks Rara!

I’m new to blogging and it seems there are a few traditions, protocols, rules – whatever you chose to call them – that go along with the award as follows:

Blog the Year (2012) Blogger Award Rules

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 5 things about yourself.
  4. Pass the award onto 6 other bloggers and link to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back
  5. Link back to the Blog of the Year 2012 Rules page so people can read the real, complete, and fully accurate rules of this slightly-different blogger award

Five things about me

  1. There’s a hedgehog house in my garden.
  2. I once managed to put a staple all the way through my little finger. It hurt!
  3. I’ve walked up a volcano.
  4. I always wanted to be a doctor or a vet.
  5. I play guitar, sax and piano but can’t get a sound out of a flute.

I pass this award on to:

Skinnywench: For amazing photos and challenges. http://wp.me/p1pmcV-2h5

Sharmishtha: For lovely illustrations and beautiful poetry. http://wp.me/p2POI8-u

Elizabeth: For being bright, sassy, funny, supportive and an altogether amazing lady http://wp.me/p2t3UN-ie

Michael: Because this is how I want my retireediary to be! http://wp.me/25zVf

Benedicte: Her life and that of her family is more complex than most of us can ever imagine yet she’s always full of positivity.  http://wp.me/2FC4m

Ryoko: The food looks amazing and makes me want to try it (all). http://wp.me/259c8

There are a number of other people I’d like to award for their amazing blogs but rules are rules so these are my six nominees.  For the folks I’ve nominated above, please don’t feel you have to do anything other than know I appreciate the opportunity to stop by your blogs, hear what you have to say and look at your photos.

12 thoughts on “Tah dah! Blog of the Year Award

  1. congratulations on your award – and thank you for sharing the award with other deserving blogs too
    If you check out the proper rules of the award though you’ll find that you don’t have to share things about yourself (lots of us bloggers are fed up of doing this!) – and you can share this award with as many or as few bloggers as you like – we tried to keep this award simple on purpose!
    you can find the rules here:
    Please don’t change the rules – they took ages to set up!


    • So I’m new to this blogging thing and hadn’t started with the intention of getting awards though its nice that Rarasaur and Glorious Mettle have thought me worthy. And like other things in life I’m guessing the etiquette around blogging awards can be very much like that well known childhood game Chinese Whispers. Something gets passed along and in doing so people accidentally add or subtract information because as humans we’re none of us perfect and that, in my view, is what makes us beautiful. Humans facing a shortened time on the planet, like me, tend not to have ample opportunity to adhere strictly to every rule in all the rule books ever written so opt instead for the fastest route to Rome. That tends to include following whatever the person before did if it’s not a life v death scenario and I figure blogging awards aren’t yet in that category. If I’ve contributed to a Chinese Whisper I apologise profusely and will happily forgo the award. However, I’ve never killed anyone, jumped a red light or stolen anything so am pretty good with life’s essential rules. One thing I’ve learned though is cancer can make you cranky 🙂


  2. Yayyyy! Congrats again! 🙂 A hedgehog house in your garden– that sounds phenomenal!! I’ve done the same for the next two– mine was Mount St.Helen, which was yours? I couldn’t imagine being a doctor or vet– I’d be too sad about all the sick people and animals! 🙂 And, yay, let’s start a band! We’ll need a flutist, though, I’ve also never been able to pick that one up.


    • And Congrats to you too! Thanks for thinking of me 🙂 My walking isn’t as exciting as yours, it’s Puy de Sancy (and Puy de Dome) but they’re extinct so no danger of sulphur or brimstone. I remember watching Mount St Helen’s erupt in 1980, I’d never seen anything so powerful. My family all took up professions that provide care and support for others and I’m the odd one out. I’d be a Dr if I had my life over again but I know I’d get too attached to people and be heartbroken when they died so would have permanently red eyes and pockets full of tissues. The flute is my nemesis…. But my son plays it 🙂


  3. Congratulations and very well deserved!!! I’m really moved by your nomination, and I’ll do my best to live up to it. As for positivity, you are a shining example – I love the mix of humour, righteous anger, fight and acceptance. I can’t get a few of the links to open though…?


    • You already live up to it, I’ve learnt so much by reading your blog and you deserve this award wholeheartedly.
      Thanks for the tip-off about the links. I have a love/hate relationship with WordPress, copied everyone’s shortlinks and some want to do strange things for no apparent reason. I’ve double checked the updated links and they all seem to work at the moment 🙂


      • Thank you, they worked!! I’ve not forgotten, and I will respond. My writing got blocked, but I’m hoping that yesterday’s blurb got me going again – now to wait until I’m home with a good keyboard!!


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