Forgive my tardiness, it’s been strange…. and hectic.

Dawny the Little Beut over at Random Spillages from a Reportedly Strange Mind nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award before Christmas and I’m only just getting around to saying thank you. I apologise for my tardiness Dawny, my only excuse is that it’s been strange and hectic and I’m not as organised as I could be!


This is the second nomination I’ve received for very inspirational blogger and I’m a little lost for words.  I never expected to write about cancer, life and the other things that pop into my somewhat cluttered mind in a way that might inspire others.  I am so grateful for your support and kindness.

Tina at Eyes for Gaia nominated me for this award a little earlier in December; here’s a link to that post which includes, as per the rules, seven things about me.

There are so many deserving bloggers (and blog supporters who don’t blog themselves) out there. I really would like to nominate them all. But this time, as per the rules, I’ve chosen 15 great blogs and the very inspiring people who create them:

Now I’m off to prepare for chemo tomorrow.




28 thoughts on “Forgive my tardiness, it’s been strange…. and hectic.

  1. Pingback: More Awardery « Fish Of Gold

  2. Dear Tracy, thank you so much ♥ I’m honored to be a part of such an inspirational list of people 🙂 Lot’s of luv and healing thoughts to you! ~ Cath


    • Thank you Cath, your deserve the award and I look forward to reading your blog throughout 2013. Big hugs and good wishes for the New Year to you and your dear ones.


    • Thanks Nick, I love your blog, the frankness…. A man after my own heart (though I’m trying to curtail some of my choicer language… progress is limited). I’m honoured so thanks again for thinking of me, keep writing!


  3. Thank you so much my friend, your support and kind words of appreciation for my blog are greatfully appreciated and accepted with humility and love.

    My thoughts, prayers, energy and light go out to you today and everyday and my wish is for you to see your son graduate med school and go into practice 🙂

    Namaste my friend



    • Any effort no matter what its size that aims to share knowledge, insight or offers help and support to others is, I think, the greatest gift we can give each other during our time in this world.


      • Yes Tracy, I agree. In the simplest of terms, I try to live following Emmanuel Levinas’ fundamental ethical obligation — making the self available for the welfare of the other without reservation or expectation of reciprocation — The reward for this stance comes when the self and the other actually engage in mutually beneficial conversation. Thanks for your engagement.


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